jueves, 28 de mayo de 2015

90.000 Saiga antelopes found dead in Kazakhstan

The number of rare saiga antelopes found dead in Kazakhstan over the
past 2 weeks has reached 90 000, Tengrinews reports, citing the press
service of the Ministry of Agriculture of Kazakhstan.

Kostanai Oblast territorial inspection of forestry and wildlife of the
Ministry of Agriculture 1st discovered 117 dead saigas in the area of
Zholaba near Amangeldy District of Kostanay Oblast on 11 May [2015].
There were no signs of poaching.

The Oblast authorities, the Department for Emergency Situations, the
environmental prosecutor's office, Department of Internal Affairs, and
veterinary service were alerted about the incident and started
investigating it.

Saiga antelopes are among the species at risk of extinction. They used
to inhabit vast areas of the Eurasian steppe zone but are now found
only in 3 areas in Kazakhstan and one in Russia. In the 1920s, their
population drastically declined due to long, severe winters and famine
that drove people to hunt saiga for meat. Then, the Soviet government
introduced a ban on hunting the animals, and the population was
restored by the 1950s and later reached a commercial level. Since the
mid-50s, commercial hunting for meat and skins was allowed.

With the collapse of the Soviet Union and severe economic conditions,
poaching was rampant, mostly to sell the horns to China
. In the
beginning of the 1990s, there were about 700 000-900 000 saigas in
Kazakhstan, but by the beginning of the 2000s, only about 20 000
remained. Then, the government of independent Kazakhstan decided to do
something about it.

In an interview to Tengrinews, researcher at the Institute of Zoology
of Kazakhstan Yuri Grachev said that the saiga was Kazakhstan's
national heritage and pride.

"After all, the largest proportion of its population lives here. It is
a migratory species. In spring, they go north, while in winter they
migrate to the south, to Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Russia (Volgograd
and Astrakhan Oblasts). All of these are Kazakhstan's population.
Therefore, it is almost a purely Kazakhstani species," he said.

According to him, there is a ban on hunting these animals until 2020.
He said that in 2012, the total population of saiga in Kazakhstan (the
total of 3 regions: the desert Betpak-Dala in Karaganda Oblast, the
Ustyurt plateau between Mangyshlak and the Gulf Garabogazkol in the
west, the Aral Sea and the Amu Darya delta in the east; and near
Uralsk in West Kazakhstan region) amounted to 137 500, in 2013 to 187
000, and in 2014 to about 256 000.

"The current statistics are encouraging. But it all depends on
protection. Poaching is still a threat, and it must be suppressed. But
if this growth trend continues, there is hope that we will achieve the
population that we had here before," he said.

The last case of mass death of saiga in the region was recorded in May
2012. Then, the cause of death of 926 sagas was determined as
pasteurellosis, an acute infectious zoonotic disease
. Experts found
some similarities between the present case and the one that occurred 3
years ago, animals become susceptible to infections after long, severe

Some experts also thought that the deaths could be caused by
exhaustion of the animals by lack of fodder. 2014 was dry, so there
was not a sufficient amount of grass in the región.

On 13 May [2015], it was reported that the number of dead saiga
antelopes in Kostanai Oblast of Kazakhstan had exceeded 1000 animals.
Zoologists took samples of soil, water and biological material.
Samples taken from the dead animals were sent to the state veterinary

The number of dead saiga later grew to more than 2500 and then quickly
climbed to 10 000.

"The zones where the dead saiga antelopes were discovered in Kostanai
Oblast were closely monitored, and new cases of animal deaths were
registered on 17 May [2015]. According to the latest figures, about 10
000 saigas have died. The zone exceeds 16 000 hectares (160 sq. km),"
the ministry said.

"Employees of the akimat (local authorities) and territorial
departments of the Ministry of Agriculture are involved in the
collection and destruction of the carcasses of the dead animals. More
than 5300 dead saigas have been disposed of. The last several days
have been rainy and windy, which hampered this work. 458 people and 21
vehicles are involved in the operation to liquidate the aftermath of
saiga deaths," the ministry added.

On 21 May 2015, the number of dead animals was close to 27 700. Then,
on 22 May 2015, horrific figures came to light. 80 000 dead saiga
antelopes were found in Kostanai Oblast
, which is half of the entire
saiga population of the oblast, KTK TV Channel reported.

Rescue services, the military, and bacteriologists have been working
at the scene for almost 2 weeks, but they cannot do much to save the
antelopes but only clear and bury the corpses scattered across the
steppe. The cause is still unknown. The preliminary version is that
the animals died from some poisonous weed.

Only females and lambs were affected. Their corpses have swollen
bellies, and blood in the nose and mouth. The infection spared the
stags: during the calving period, females get separated from males and
produce progeny.

The smell of decomposition is hovering not only over the burial
grounds, each of which contains up to 2500 dead animals, but over the
entire area. The commission, which is more than 500 people, works in
protective clothing. Residents of nearby villages, who volunteered to
help, collect carcasses in respirators, protective masks and gloves.
Incessant rains prevent the work, eroding the roads and causing cars
to get stuck in the mud.

The saiga population equals 160 000 in Kostanai Oblast. Special
services are trying to protect healthy saiga by driving them away from
contaminated areas, which total 160 square km. But it is almost
impossible. Prosecutors have launched an investigation. Two officials
from the Board of Forestry have been fired over the incident.

Following Kostanay Oblast, the massive pestilence of saiga began in 2
other Oblasts of Kazakhstan: Akmola Oblast and Aktobe Oblast. On 22
May [2015], 200 km from Astana, about 1000 dead saigas were
discovered. Later, the number climbed to 2000. As of 22 May 2015,
about 3100 saiga antelopes died in Aktobe Oblast. However, according
to authorities, the deaths in this region have stopped.

On 22 May [2015], in connection with the discovery of pasteurellosis
in the dead antelopes, veterinary and sanitary restrictions were
introduced in Urpek Amangeldy district in Kostanay Oblast.

Meanwhile, the number of dead animals in Kostanai Oblast continues to
grow. According to the data presented by the Ministry of Agriculture
on 25 May [2015], the total number of dead animals reached 90 000 head
in just 10 days! The die-off not only continues but is spreading to
other parts of the country.

About 82 000 dead corpses were disposed off as of yesterday, 25 May

Diseases often strike antelopes at this time of year when they are
weakened by long winters and breeding. But this year's [2015] epidemic
is unprecedented in its scale. Kazakhstani experts are baffled,
finding it hard to explain the tragedy. The Ministry of Agriculture of
Kazakhstan officially requested expert help from the Secretariat for
the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (Bonn
Convention) in identifying the causes of the mass death of the

On 22 May [2015], international experts arrived in Astana:
Representative of the Royal Veterinary College Richard Kock (England)
and representative of the Frankfurt Zoological Society Zuter Stephan
(Germany). FAO representative Sergey Khomenko also came to assist the
Kazakhstani specialists.

Fuente: PROMED 28.05.2015

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